I have never left my readers or those who
attend my lecture mainly to grown up students in various colleges that though
as Hindu I revere the Prophet of Islam as the one teacher who told his
followers: "...When you walk in
search of knowledge you are walking in the path of the God; the ink of the
scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr...". When
Muslims followed this great lesson they conquered a large slice of civilized
world. Muslims produced brilliant kings like Harun-al-Rashid, the greatest of
medieval philosopher, like Avicenna, the greatest medieval physicians like
al-Razzi. It is they who brought about the enlightenment in Europe and
literally brought civilization to it. None of this is possible without the
application of reason, without questioning established ways of thinking or
without forbearance.
Only when in the 13th Century under the
advice of a mad Khalifa Muslim Court all the books and entire libraries except
the Holy Quran were destroyed. I have often alluded to the birth in Saudi
Arabia of Mohamed-ibn-Abdul Wahhab, founder of a sect called Wahabi. He
misunderstood the gentle religion of Prophet Mohammed, a religion which by its
name, stands for peace. He misunderstood the causes of Muslim decline and the
political and military ascendancy of the Christian West. He concluded that the
degeneration of Muslim empires was caused by their abandonment of fisrt
principles. Wahhab misconstrued what the Prophet had preached, picked up stray
lines and convinced himself that his faith decreed death and annihilation to
all mushrikhum, i.e.
polytheists. By his definition, Christians, Jews, Shias and Hindus, among
others, are polytheists, who have forfeited their right to live. He
wanted to use jihad as 'cleansing' was against fellow Muslims. The Holy Quran
clearly forbids aggression; 'fight in the way
of God against those who fight against you, but do not commit aggression...
(Quran 2:190-92)'
During my recent vacation trip I visited,
as is my habit book stores in search of latest publications. Amongst the books
that I picked up one turned out to be, as the cover page indicates, the story
ISIS. It is a joint authorship of Mr. Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan. First one
is a reputed columnist on foreign policy and the second is a Middle East
analyst and columnist for the The National.
Both are experts of foreign affairs. The book claims to be the story of what
ISIS is seeking and why they are such a threat to the World. It claims to
disclose a revelatory look inside the World's most dangerous terrorist group.
No wonder that the British Prime Minister David Cameron told BBC to stop
calling barbaric ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shan) and
he also announced that there will be national one minute silence on Friday in
honour of people killed in Tunisia. He said that there would be major training
exercise in London over the next two days to test Britain's preparedness for
serious terrorist attacks. He also said that it was thought the killer in
Tunisa could be part of 'an ISIL-inspired network'.
The book that I mentioned shows al- Zarqawi
as the founder of this foundation and its ideology it is he who first
discovered Salafism, a doctrine, that in its contemporary advocates a return to
theological purity and the traditions of the prophet Mohd. the most vicious
part of his doctrine is that Salafis deemed western style democracy and
modernity not only fundamentally irreconcilable with Islam but the main
pollutants of the Arab civilization which after World War 1 stagnated under the
illegitimate and apostate regimes in Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. At the most
extreme end of their continuum, the Salafists are also adherents of Jihad, a
word that denotes'struggle' in Arabic and contains a multitude of definations.
.al- Zarqawi had his first meeting with Osama Bin laden in Talibans de-facto
capital Kandhar. He also had much more promiscuous definition of kuffar
('unbelievers'), which he took to include all the Shia and any fellow Sunnis
who did not abide by a strict Salafist covenant. Bin Laden had never drawn a
bulls eye on these categories before, no doubt for filial reasons: his own
mother was a Syrian Alawite, or a member of the offshoot of the Shia sect.
Iraq has a Sunni population of about 20%, a
overwhelming Shia majority and the curds in Iraq were ruined by a Sunni
minority under dictator Saddam Hussain. This was change by the American
Conquest and large number of Shia Minister became the new rules, ISIS is
determined to restore Sunni rule. al-Zaqawi made his plan clear: The Shia, it
read, were "the insurmountable obstacle, the lurking snake, the crafty and
malicious scorpion, the spying enemy and the penetrating venom". This
genocidal rhetoric was followed by genocidal behaviour. The Shias have been
slaughtered without any mercy. In June 2014 the ISIS boasted that they had
executed 1700 Shia soldiers, the Iraqi army had surrendered. The Human Rights
Watch confirmed the existence of mass execution sites of Shia with collective
death toll of 770. In Mosul, the very same ISIS took the city, it stormed
Badoush Prison and hauled off its some 1500 of its inmates. It drove them all
out to a nearby deserts and separated the Sunnis and Christians from the Shia.
Members of the first two categories were carted away elsewhere; the Shia were
first abused and robbed, then lined up and shot over ravine after they each
called out their number in line.
What was happening to Shias may well be
described what American Soldiers found when they opened the doors of a dungent
prison in which they found 160 blind folded Shia prisoners all those who had
been held there for months in overcrowded room filled with fesis and urine. It
is not as if Shias are retaliating in some places but this new Sunni terrorist
organization must shock the conscience of the World. Muslim intellectuals in
India must protest and condemn this.
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