Thursday, 6 April 2017


I write this piece to clear a total misunderstanding from which our government is unfortunately suffering. During the Question hour on Wednesday 5th April in reply to Rajya Sabha question 348 the Home Ministry gave a reply which showed total ignorance of an important development which might well turn into a natural disaster for India and of course for every secular democracy of the world.  I tried to draw attention of the house this gross ignorance of our government but my supplementary question was disallowed on a technical ground that not more than three supplementary questions are permissible and mine was the fourth. I write this on the advice of the Hon’ble Chairman who was pleased to meet me after the Question hour was over.

The question of member Shri Raj Kumar Dhoot was “whether it is a fact that Islamic State (IS) has established its base in the country and its modules were recently found operating in the country”

The reply from the Hon’ble Minister disclosed ignorance of our government about the difference between the IS and ISIS. The two are not the same and I cannot allow such dangerous ignorance to persist. The ISIS stood for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In late 2014 the second IS in ISIS has been dropped and now the IS stands for Islamic State in the whole world.

Due to American pressure and presence in Iraq and Syria the Sunni Islam had not been able to establish its rule in these two States; the objective of the terrorists was establishment of Sunni rule and elimination of the U.S obstacle caused by the presence of its forces.

In the second half of the year 2014 on the first day of Ramzzan the ISIS declared the formation of an Islamic Caliphate known as the Islamic State (IS) in the entire world posing a serious terrorist threat to the secular democracies of the world. The spokesman for this new danger to all secular states of the world will be Abu Bark al-Baghdadi as the Imam and khalifah for the entire world to be called Islamic Caliphate. It will usher in a vast and glorious Islamic Civilisation. The Caliphate would again reach Spain and even conquer Rome.

 In the end of  March last the IS made an armed attack in London and disclosed  its great plans of world domination. Pakistan is welcoming this monster and using it in Kashmir.

The secular democracies  of the world must now unite in a powerful armed force to meet this menace with all its resources military , economic  and intellectual. Make no mistake this new evil force is being used in Kashmir too.

In the fall of 2014 ISIS had done so much damage in so short time that people had asked with great anxiety -: “ where did ISIS come from and how did it manage to do so much damage in so short a period of time?” The question was understandable given the images and videos there including around the world , most notoriously the horriyfying propoganda beheadings of Seven Western hostages with American Journalist James Foley among them. But  the question was also a strange one , because the United States has been at war with ISIS for the better part of  a whole decade under its various names  , first of al-Qeada in Iraq then the Mujahdin Advisory Council and then the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). If there was a familiar foe , ISIS was it.

The following is a paragraph from a great book ‘ ISIS : Inside the Army of Terror’ by Micheal Weiss and Hassan Hassan.
“ ISIS is a terrorist  organization , but it isn’t only a terrorist organization. It is also a mafia adept at exploiting decades- old transnational gray markets for oil and arms trafficking. It is a conventional military that mobilizes and deploys foot soldiers with a professional acumen that has impressed even members of the US military. It is a sophisticated intellegence- gathering apparatus that infiltrates rival organizations and silenty recurits within their ranks before taking them over, routing them in combat, or seizing their land. It is a slick propoganda machine effective at disseminating its message and calling in new recurits via social media. ISIS is also a spectral holdover of an even earlier predecessor al-Qaeda. Most of its top decision- makers served wither in Saddam Hussein’s military or security services…………Most important , ISIS presents itself to an embattled Sunni minority in Iraq, and an even more persecuted and victimized Sunni majority in Syria, as the sect’s last line of defense against a host of enemies- the “ infidel” United States, the “apostate” Gulf Arab States, the “ Nusayri” Alawite dictorship in Syria, the “ rafida” one in Iran, and the latter’s satrapy in Baghdad.”

The IS is now a threat to all civilised nations and a word of advice is called for to my friend the Hon’ble Home Minster: Please ask the news editors to be more accurate in their composing the Headlines of the news items. When I read it I could not believe that my friend Rajnath has said something so atrocious. It is lucky I read the whole report when I realised that the headline was a masterpiece of bad English.

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